Lilah and Jax are officially 7 years old. I had been saying they were 7 for about 4 months, so when they finally turned 7, I thought they were turning 8. LOL! Their birthday was spent at their absolute favorite place...MYRTLE BEACH! We all love our beach condo so much and cherish our time spent there. Lilah and Jax wanted their "big gift" to be to spend at least half of their Spring Break in Myrtle, so we made that dream come true.

On the morning of their birthdays, I woke up extra early and wrapped what gifts could be wrapped and had everything displayed really nicely.

Lilah received this sweet gift from her daddy. It was a two layered necklace of a star and a moon. The slogan in the background of the necklace reads, "I love you to the moon and back!"

We have yet to try out this remote control boat. We would have lost it in the ocean and our pool rules, at the condo, are a little strict, so we will enjoy it at/in our neighborhood pool.
Lilah and Jax each got a water toy, an outdoor toy, new shoes, $100 bill, and a few other items.
I got Jax his first pair of Heely's aka shoes with wheels.
Lilah received this cool (8) drawer, ombre, rolling cart. She was so excited! The plan was to use it to organize her "teacher office".

Her daddy helped her put it together almost immediately.
Then Lilah and Jax opened up their cards from Grandad and Grandnee. They were so generous to give each of them $250.00. The kids had a blast spending some of their cash at the Tanger Outlets and at Broadway At The Beach.
After presents, we took a stroll on the beach and the twins HAD AN ABSOLUTE BLAST running with the waves.

I love their sweet twin bond! They fight hard, but love harder.

After dinner, we enjoyed mounds and mounds of games.

Lilah hit the JACKPOT and brought our ticket winnings past 4,000! This is the most tickets they have ever won combined. They came home with mounds of great prizes.

Darren and Lilah road the bumper tubes together and then Jax and I did the same.
We spent a good 2 1/2 hours at the restaurant and games place and then headed over to Cold Stone Creamery. Our local Cold Stone Creamery, in Roanoke, shut down, so it's always nice to have this ice cream shop to go to. It's so close to our condo.

Enjoy taking a trip down memory lane, celebrating the last 7 years of these twins' lives, by watching these short youtube clips/flipagrams.
Happy, Happy Birthday to my TWINSIES!
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