Then, he found a pretty cell phone charger charger! Kate Spade, to be exact. It came from Best Buy! Cami just recently got a cell phone and he felt this was a need for her.

I was kind of hoping he would stop there and almost made the gift giving stop there, but he had one other special gift in mind and BEGGED me to take him to get it! He said, "She only has a few Alex and Ani braclets and they are all ocean/beach themed, so I want to get her the Alex and Ani anchor bracelet." He knew Alex and Ani had an anchor because I have it...I GUESS!
Then, one day on his own, while I was doing laundry upstairs, he printed an ANCHOR, from google, and began coloring it. He spent 6 hours (in one week) coloring every detail. He even had a pattern of his own that he was following.

Here is the end result. It turned out so beautiful.
Ty was the one who asked if we could frame it too!
He found a 4 foot, purple daisy, at A.C. Moore. "Had to have it" for her.

"Great Things NEVER Come From Comfort Zones"
SO OFF HE WENT... to HAND DELIVER her gifts, to a household filled with her brothers, her father who is a pastor, her brothers' girlfriends, and her mom. Man he's brave. Fingers in mouth must represent a slight bit of nervousness.

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