First up, Trunk or Treat! Gretchen asked several people to volunteer their vehicles, so they could be decorated. Jody's van was essentially "Candy Land!"

Bekka's was a Bat Mobile.

Mine was a Spidery Gravesite. I purchased glow sticks to hand out to each visitor.

There was also a Pirate trunk or treat.

Look at it at night!!! So realistic.

And a Jonah the Whale trunk or treat!
The last one was a Laughing Mouth. You won't be laughing after you eat all of that candy and get a bunch of cavities.

Next up, several of my favorite costumes captured that night!
Liley as the witch!
Ansley as the jukebox.

Sydney as cotton candy!

Cami (Snowwhite) and Jax (Grumpy)

The Old Haggard and Snow-white.
Love Emoji and Scratch and Sniff Poopie.
Ty and Gabe as Batman and Robin.
This boy was so excited that I was dressed up as the same emoji that was all over his hat. So, I offered to take a picture with him.
Snow-white and The 7 Dwarfs.

Grace (Maleficent) and Cami (Snowwhite)

We love that Old Haggard aka Ashely Harris.

Major props to my dear friend Gretchen for designing and making the costumes.
Man-o-day, you can certainly tell who happy, grumpy, doc, and bashful are.

Fireman Watson!

Every fireman needs a firetruck, right?

A digging tractor.

Not sure exactly what to call this costume, but I like it. It's unique. I believe he said, "It's Abraham Lincoln holing ME in a box!"

My husband, the gigantic "scratch and sniff" poopie.

"Beauty and The Beast!"

Here were just a tidbit of somethings to do that night: Fire Pit and Roasting Marshmallows.

Cupcake Walk.

Bobbing For Apples.

Face Painting.

Biddy Bulldog Football Team.

Lilah and Kate.

Adult candy snatcher.

Brett went as a "Jolly Rancher". HAHA!
Well, I posted what I thought you would enjoy or I guess more of what I enjoyed, but there are over 165 left to see, so please use the online Picasa web album below. It will ONLY be viewable via landline computers.
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