A few weeks ago, we went to the FLES School Wide Halloween party! It was the FIRST time we have ever been. I want Ty to make the most of his 5th grade year. I don't want him to have any regrets about what he didn't get to do or didn't do in Elementary School. In addition, being the President of Fort Lewis Elementary School, they have asked him to be present at as many events as possible. Our kids went as Emmet, the blue lego, a prisoner, and a sheet of candy buttons. The skeleton is Mason McGuire. We randomly met up in the parking lot.

We tried to add some fun candy sprinkles to Lilah's lips, but it didn't work out too well. LOL!

Ty added some handcuffs, a crazy wig, and a "sleeve" of tattoos to make his costume more entertaining.

Jax and I worked VERY hard on his Emmet costume and then we show up to FLES and spotted not just another lego, but another blue lego. Kind of a bummer, but I guess great minds think alike.

Lilah brought "Dexter". the class dog, who we have yet to blog about, but you can tell she was happy about it.

Mason and his brother went as minions. I thought this was a cool costume.
Rebecca went as Elsa.
There's that prisoner stealing the school's candy!
Brendan went as a magician.

Gotbusted Penitentiary.

Several of Ty's classmates that I thought had creative costumes. I loved the twister one.

Jax, in line, waiting for his grade to be called up for the costume contest.

First graders lined up for the costume contest. I think Elsa won.

Fifth grade lined up for the costume contest. I think the mad hatter won.

Daddy and Liley Bo about to go on the hay ride.
Shootin hoops for candy.
The kids had fun! I'm glad we went.
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