Jax wanted to be a blue lego for Halloween, so we worked together to create it. Although it is simple, we were both really proud of it. It was so much fun having a little project to do with Jax. He's so sweet and agreeable. Just a pure joy to be around, unless he's crying, then...that's a whole different ball game. He had several options, but he chose to be Emmet.

The supplies you will need, to make this costume, are...
Spray Paint
Acrylic Paint
Paint Brushes
Empty Applesauce Cups
A Cheap Tarp
A Box

I bought our box at a UPS store for $5.30.

I laid down a tarp in our garage. I believe the tarp was $.97 cents at Wal-mart.

Jax and I got to work painting the box. First, we painted the box with the acrylic paint.

Then, while the box was drying, we began painting the apple sauce cups.
We chose to use 8 cups.
I allowed Jax to do most of the work. I know he was excited to call this HIS costume.

After the acrylic paint is dry, spray paint the box and cups to give it a finished look.

I allowed our box to dry before cutting the holes. I started with the hole for the head first. Cutting the holes for the arms was so nerve racking.

I bought Emmet's face on Etsy from a shop called TheAddHippie. It was $8.00.

I printed the Lego logo and stuck it on the back for the box.

How adorable is it?

He was such a cute Emmet, but this costume isn't the easiest to run around in, so he just wore it to his school party!
Sadly, we thought we were being so creative and then when we showed up to his school party another little boy was a blue lego. OF ALL THINGS AND COLORS! We were the only ones with the Emmet mask though.

Love all their costumes this year! I love the LEGO idea.