On the Monday BEFORE "Glenvar Yooth Boosters Night", Lilah realized that her tooth was, out of NO WHERE, loose. That Friday, BAM! She lost her tooth. Lilah had been working on getting it looser and looser every day. Is that a word? At halftime, I sent her to cheer coach, to be with her cheer team, because they were about to run the football field. All of the sudden, Glenvar High School fans were screaming, "Mom...mom...mom!" I looked up and low and behold they were talking to me. Lilah was standing there crying a river. I asked her what was wrong and why she wasn't with her coach and she said, "My tooth fell out!" I was SO upset that I was NOT there to "enjoy" this experience with her. I think her tears came from fear of the unknowns, since this had never happened before. There was blood and FORTUNATELY she was able to hold onto her tiny tooth long enough to give it to her daddy!

LATE, after the football game, Lilah came home immediately and, without any encouragement or prompting, wrote a note to the tooth fairy. It read: "Please leave my tooth! Love Lilah" She stuck it under her pillow with her tooth, you know, just incase the tooth fairy didn't agree.

I was a tad bummed that this experience happened so fast because of course I would have been able to make a bigger deal out of it. Oh well! The tooth fairy did leave a note, $10.00, and a bracelet under her pillow. Did "He/She" leave the tooth?
Yes!!!! Yes "He/She" did!!!!! The note read: "Hello! How exciting that you lost your 1st tooth! I'll let you keep this one tooth since it's your 1st! Hope you enjoy your goodies! ~ Tooth Fairy"
Look at how tiny her tooth is! Looks like it could be Simon's tooth. Haha.
WHEN I can find the bracelet, that the tooth fairy gave her, I will repost a better picture. However, below, is a photo of a bracelet I have been holding on to for a long while, in preparation for the loss of her first tooth.

Aw Lilah! Love this :)