At the end of the school year, I told my kids that they could each choose ONE Summer camp to go to. Lilah chose to enjoy the American Girl camp at the Green Ridge Recreation Center. The description of the camp read like this:
"Kit, Samantha, Julie-which one do you have? Bring your American Girl doll (or favorite doll) to summer camp! Each day we will have a new theme for you and your doll. We will make art projects for both the dolls and the girls as we paint, bead, draw and more an assortment of crafts. Take home projects each day. Bring your favorite doll and come to play! "
Lilah was so excited about the first day of camp. She even had "butterflies in [her] tummy!".
She prepared the only AG doll she has, Isabelle, by picking out the perfect pair of earrings.
AND...a really adorable outfit. Lilah begged and demanded that I iron her doll's outfit before putting it on her.

"Monday: Fashion Day"

Lilah made a hair clip, a beaded name bracelet, for both Lilah and her AG doll, a duct tape wallet, and created her own photo frame.

She left that day on cloud 9.

Tuesday: "Grace's Sweet Shop Day"

Lilah came home with a box of delicious candies.

She decorated the inside and outside of the box.

She also made a mini cherry pie for herself.

And of course she made one for her AG Doll, too.

I thought it was clever that they used a bottle camp as the pie's base.

Wednesday: "Solve the Mystery Day"
Apparently, this wasn't a very exciting day because I don't recall any stories about what they did!
Thursday: "Pajama Party Day"
Of course no pajama party is accurate without pajamas, a sleeping bag, and a pillow for BOTH you and your AG Doll.

This was a really cute day! The girls dressed up in their pjs, popped popcorn, watched the movie about GRACE the AG doll, along with a few other fun things.

Friday: "Happy (Un)Birthday Day!"
Lilah missed this day because we left for our Myrtle Beach trip. We were going to allow her to go, but at the last minute she had "butterflies in [her] tummy" to get to the beach, so she allowed us to start our trip early!

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