Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Tyson offered a suggestion for our "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake this year. He said, "Mom, I know, we can put Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus on top of the cake!" I responded by saying, "We could take our manger scene upstairs and place it gently on top of the cake?" He said, "Mom, no!" Uh! Ooooooooook. I went to my next thought... I KNOW.... I'll ask my dear friend Erin Carroll if she would be willing to help us put a manger scene atop the cake. She did MORE than help. She allowed Ty to assist her where he could, but she wound up doing a large portion of the cake. Our family is so excited about singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, blowing out His candles, and eating the cake in honor of our Savior!!!!


  1. The cake came out awesome! But I need to know why you drag toothpicks through all the colors...Next year I am going to make a cake (and not rely on other people to do it for me).

  2. awww this is awesome :) it turned out beautiful, our poor cake is a dud but i can't wait for the kids to sing to Jesus!


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