One of my favorite holidays to celebrate with my little tribe is Father's Day because my children truly have one of the best men this world could offer them. I believe he is "THE BEST"! And he deserves a special day, set aside, just for him.
It just so happened that the Friday before Father's Day, it was "National Bourbon Day!" Darren is a bourbon collector. While at basketball practice with Ty and Lilah, I set out a special, pre-father's day celebratory gift in honor of NBD. I LOVE that the Maker's Mark bottle came with a bowtie. Although Darren doesn't wear bowties, I felt like it screamed Father. LOL. I created a little printable that read, "Dad, You're Neat!" In the bourbon world, "neat" just means a single, unmixed liquor served without being chilled and without any water, ice, or other mixer. Yea, that's not the way Darren likes to enjoy a cocktail. He prefers it chilled, but the little pun was cute, so I went with it.

The key to every man's heart is food, so I made sure to make Darren an oversized breakfast.

The breakfast came complete with a spinach, mushroom, and onion cheese omelette, applewood bacon,

And chocolate chip pancakes. Of course, each portion of the meal spelled out the words "DAD". I am one of those people who love to create food art. #PlayWithYourFood

While Darren waited for breakfast to finish, the twins presented their very own creations that they thunk up and made for their daddy. Jax made Darren's favorite beer can, Miller Lite. He created the label/logo on a piece of white paper, wrapped it around an empty can of cherry pie filling, and spent over 1-hour creating "reasons why I love my dad". He's my little artist. Jax was very proud because this idea was his from start to finish.

Liley was resourceful. She thought of things that remind her of her daddy. She knows him to be quite the comedian, hard-working, fitness lover, coach, the best "farter" father around. Lilah spotted a wine cork, that Gram brought back from portugal, and decided to make her daddy a fart plug. SMH!

OH and I almost forgot. Of course I gave Darren a nice selection of gifts. It's getting harder and harder to pick out unique, thoughtful, gifts that we don't already have. I refuse to buy another coffee mug, a pair of boxers, a shirt, a tie, or something of the like for this man. Those gifts are BORING with a capital B. So what do you get a man that wants nothing, needs nothing, and deserves the world?
I purchased another bottle of bourbon for his collection, a cell phone charger for his car (which he did NOT have), a play that reads, "Husband, Father, HERO!", a new camo bathing suit, a regal flame fire lantern, a bag of Lenny and Larry's protein cookies, and the Phillips HUE lighting strip. We are in the process of redoing our deck and patio and I thought the regal flame lantern and Phillips hue strip would be a special addition to add some unique ambiance to our new exterior plans.

We have been enjoying the additions of fresh paint, new patio furniture, and an outdoor rug.

Dearest Darren,
We are blessed to have you in our lives. You are God fearing, committed, hardworking, present, loving, and FUNNY! I hope we made you feel as special as you are to us.
Below are a few links to some of the gift items above!
Regal Flame: Click here to buy.
Phillip Hue Light: Click here to buy.
Lenny & Larry Protein Cookies: Click here to buy.
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