1. Birthday Cake-Sugar Free Gum by Project 7. I purchased this "pack" of gum at JoAnn Fabrics, but I have also seen it at Target. Perhaps you could attached a cute note that says, "Have a slice of sugar-free cake on me!" or "Hope chew have a Happy Birthday!" or "Here's wishing this birthday BLOWS last year's out of the water!" This pack cost $1.99. If you get it at JoAnn Fabric's you can use a 40% off coupon, making it a little over $1.00.

2. Buttercream Icing Wall Flower from Bath & Body Works: How awesome is this scent from Bath & Body Works? Just give this wallflower to someone you know already uses them OR spend anywhere from $7-$9 more and get them the plug in also. Attach a note that says, "You are the icing on my cake!" I believe one wall flower is $4.00.

I made this printable below! Cut and paste it, into a word document, to use it!
3. Gorgeous Looking & Tasting Cupcakes or Pies from Bubble Cake: Check your local town for a bakery that is not only focused on taste, but also aesthetically pleasing cupcakes or pies. I gave these and a mini Boston Creme pie to two individual's who were having birthdays! Each mini cupcake was $1.99 (I think) and the pie was (4.95). Attach a note that says, "Now... you can have your cake and EAT it too!" If you are giving this to an employee or co-worker you could say, "A party without cake is just a meeting!"
4. Birthday Girl Party Gear from Claire's: Everyone gets ONE day, a year, to feel individually special, so help them let the entire world know it's their birthday with birthday gear. This pin came from Claire's and costs $3.95. Claire's also has birthday crowns and boa's. So fun!!!! Attach a note that says, "You wear 30 [the age] well!" OR "Hugs and Kisses! And a lot of birthday wishes!" If you buy a birthday crown, then you could say, "Everyday you sparkle, but today you RULE!"
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