Saturday, November 8, 2014

On A Hike We Go!

After school on Thursday, I told the kids' to drop their book bags and join me on a hike, across the street, directly from our home. It was an odd day for weather.  On the first 15 minutes of our hike, the weather was slightly cool and the sun beaming on us. On the last 15 minutes, the clouds rolled in, rain was in sight, and it started to get reallllly cold.  The photo below shows you how hight up we were.  You can spot our beautiful home, front and center.
 I enjoyed viewing the greenery and "vegetation" along our hike.
 A gorgeous view of God's creation!
Evidence that Fall has arrived.
Once we reached the top of the mountain, Lilah began twirling around and it made me think of my favorite movie, "The Sound Of Music!"
This really was OUR view!
 Deer droppings!
I love breaking away from the mundane and switching things up from time to time.  I'm soooo glad we did.  

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