Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Storage Room Excitement

Who ever thought that someone could get SOOOOO excited about their storage room?  MEEEEEEEEE!  I LOVE BEING ORGANIZED.  I cannot relate, for even a moment, to someone who doesn't LOVE being organized. Is there actually a functional way to life disorganized?

Anyway, I saw this storage system on pinterest, almost a year ago, and I finally decided to buckle down and have someone build it for me.  Our storage room is 90% of the time organized, but after each holiday or each new season, it gets out of control.  It would get out of control because our storage bins are stacked in front of each other.  EVERY TIME we needed a bin, it was ALWAYS the bin in the waaaaaaaaaaaaay back of the storage room and we'd have to pull everything out to get to it.  It was so unenjoyable, not to mention UNFUNCTIONAL to retrieve anything in our storage room. Darren would always say, "Let's just blow this room up and start all over."  Don't think I NEVER considered it.  I did! After all, you can't take it all with you when you die.

Last night, Darren and the boys removed every single thing from our storage room, while Lilah and I were at ballet, so the storage system could be installed today!

Here was our temporarily, OUT OF CONTROL, storage room (thanks to Christmas, a new season, and binging/purging things).
And here is the NEW shelving system.  I am so EXCITED to start organizing the storage room. It will be a ONE time organization process and then I will NEVER have to organize the storage room again!!!!!!!!!!!! I told "Mike", the installer, I'd rather have this, ANY DAY, over a piece of jewelry.  He said, "You are definitely a unique lady.  Your husband is blessed."  LOL! I'd like to think so too!  Hehe.
I plan to color code this room.  Red bins for Christmas, orange bins for Halloween/Fall, yellow bins for "hand me downs", green bins for "childhood memories", blue bins for Easter. Etc. etc. etc.  Be on the look out for the FINISHED ROOM!!!! (Hopefully FRIDAY!).

Darren, thank you from the bottom of my heart for allowing me to feed my need for organization :)  I LOVE YOU!


  1. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me bring over all my totes to store there, just looks so inviting :) jk! I know you are just loving this!

    1. If I had room, I promise I would allow you, but I am trying to figure out a way to add ONE more wall of shelving. #outofroom


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