Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last Day, Last Challenge, Last Pin, Last Post - COMPLETE

As much as I am enjoying the Pinterest challenge, I am going to have to call it quits at Pin #9.  I thought it would be clever to complete the last pin that I "pinned" on pinterest (whoa... that was mouthful).  I am in the process of designing and creating a craft/gift wrapping/12 month gift closet and I am most concerned about it looking aesthetically pleasing to my eye. When I saw this pin, I thought, HOW COLORFUL, FUN, and NECESSARY for my closet in the working.  So... as simple as this is, here it is
I hope you are not disappointed that it wasn't something more elaborate or detailed.  I totally have it in me to keep going, but I have way too many things up my sleeve right now, that I am working on, and this challenge is getting in the way of my fun home projects.  :)  

I've enjoyed this pinterest challenge immensely.  I wish there was a website called, "My Completed Pins", but then again, I guess that is exactly what pinterest really is.  I think I would enjoy seeing others put their pinning to use.  

I got so excited every time someone tried one the pin challenges that I completed.  Thanks to those who even gave me some feedback after they, themselves, completed it on their own.  Mia Kennedy tried "my" meatball sub casserole along with my ricotta cheese suggestion & "my" crash hot potatoes, Lisa Dolloph did "my" shower head cleaning, Ashely Harris did "my" refrigerator lining and Lisa Fernandez wants to try "my" spider crawling soda for her girls.

1 comment:

I welcome and enjoy all comments by those who read my blog!! So please dont just withdraw...
Deposit a little something too :)