Sorry for the tangent...
The title, "just like the good'ol days" simply describes the pictures below. Prior to having children, usually only 5-6 months would pass before we would all reunite... the Bollings (Darren's parents) included. We made certain to try and stick to continuing on with the tradition since my mom was in town. So before Grandad and Grandnee left for the Myrtle Beach, we were able to sneak in a dinner at El Rodeo. Then the kids and some of the grown-ups enjoyed a yogurt at the "Yogurt Cafe".
It truly was just like the good'ol days. The "old folk" yapped and yapped and yapped and we "kids" laughed at our parents yapping. LOL!!!!!!
Even though our family is far away, and time spent together is limited, we always pick up right were we left off the last time + 3 new additions (Tyson, Lilah, and Jax).

My girl has a HUGE sweet tooth.
MY beautiful sister.

"So happpppppppppppy together!"
Side note: God is such a gracious God. He has sovereignly placed an amazing Church family in our lives to fill the gaps of far away family. :) We are so thankful!!!!!!!
Aw I love the last picture :)