This year, March 25th landed on a Sunday. We brought Dunkin Donuts into church for all their church friends to enjoy! Later that night, we let Lilah and Jax choose a restaurant to eat at. Lilah chose El Rodeo. Jax isn't a fan, but we told him he could pick a restaurant another day. She always gets her way. LOL! Afterwards, we met Grandnee and Grandad at the Salem Ice Cream Parlor for a sweet birthday treat. Then we gave them their gifts. Each child received 3 gifts. It wasn't overwhelming and they seemed to value it more. This might be a new Christmas tradition after all (3 gifts).
I LOVE THIS SHOT OF LILAH! She looks so grown up and beautiful.

At El Rodeo we had Ty smile with the birthday boy!

Somehow we all managed to wear black, but I PROMISE it wasn't planned.

A nice group shot!

Silly daddy!

Happy Birthday Lilah and Jax!!!!!!! I am so glad they had a great birthday :) Praise God for another wonderful year letting us get to know and love on them!!!!! I truly love these kids as my own! (I shouldn't have said that, kinda creepy huh) :)