Today, Tyson and mommy went on a date! Destiny watched the twins while Ty and I headed to play Putt-Putt at 9:00 am. Upon arriving, a very NICE sun shower started, so Ty's luck continued and he got to play indoors for a while. I had a $5.00 coupon for 30 tokens. When his last token was used up, the last rain drop fell. God is good :)
We chose to play the "hard" 18-hold course as opposed to the "easy". I don't see how ANYONE loves to golf. It is so boring. (Sorry father-in-law.) But, I made the most of it. I guess with putt-putt, it is a little more fun, but having to hold your score card, pencil, club, and ball really puts a damper on your score. I think they need to make your score electronically inputted just like at the bowling alley. Oddly enough, Ty and I both scored a 56.
I also had a coupon for a free experience in the bating cage, so after games and putt-putt, Ty experiences 40-50 mph balls heading towards him to hit. Sadly to say, he didn't hit ONE. The machine would not adjust as low as he needed it too, but I think he's truly in football mode right now and just didn't have his technique down. Darren questioned why his technique was so bad when he watched the video and Ty got fairly offended and upset. It never feels good when daddy is disappointed in you. Chill out dad! It's just for fun.
The fun didn't end there. We immediately left putt putt and headed to the mall to look for a back to school outfit. Our first stop was the Pretzel Factory. Mommy and Ty got pretzel sticks. Then I treated myself to a pedicure. Afterwards, we shopped for that special outfit and found NOTHING! I don't know what we are going to do. I WANT A NEW OUTFIT for him :( To make up for no outfit, we sulked by gorging ourselves with a gigantic cookie from the Cookie Store. Mmmmm. And that was our lunch! My brother would CRINGED if he knew of our diets today. It's okay. Back to massive self-discipline starting Monday. It's okay to splurge every once in a while.
I recall long ago when I was pregnant with Ty and still working, standing in line at subway in the mall (on my lunch hour). A little boy, TY's age, and his mommy were in front of me. He told his mommy what he wanted to eat and then said, "Mommy, what are you getting?" His mommy replied, "I'm not getting anything honey. I'm not hungry." He said, "Oh mommy, please order something. I want you to eat with me!" That day, it brought tears to my eyes and I recall thinking, "Wow. That will be me one day with my son!" AND 6 years later... that is ME! I love him.
After the mall, we met his friend Josh at Sheetz. Ty played with Josh at his house from 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm, left to attend "Back to School" night, and then headed back to Josh's house for a sleep over which included Little Cesar's Pizza and a Harry Potter Movie. This has been the most eventful day YET! He is so blessed.
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