Good-bye baseball, hello football. This is the life you live when you have sons. SPORTS, SPORTS, SPORTS! I'm adjusting to it quicker than I thought and seeing my little man in a football uniform really does get me hyped up for football season. Wait, did I just say that? I guess watching my SON play football has meaning versus those goofball jocks on the Virginia Tech Football Field. LOL!

When we returned home from Richmond, Ty's football uniform was sitting on the counter waiting for him. He lit up like a kid in a candy store. Ty disappeared for about 10 minutes and returned with his daddy all dressed up and decked out in his football pads/helmet. So ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!

(Taken with my iphone. Sorry for the poor quality.)
Since that day, Daddy and Ty have been outside in the backyard practicing football techniques. They've also been watching youtube videos on different drills. It's insanely cute to witness this natural bond that Tyson and his daddy are sharing. Their love of sports is obvious and it's embedded in their BLOOD evidently.

Daddy is going over a "play" with Ty.

This photo cracks me up for so many reasons. One, the obvious. Check out Lilah trying to keep up with her daddy and brother as she runs half naked after them. Two, I can HEAR Tyson's laughter as I view the photo and type this sentence. I love the laughter that "playing chase" creates.

Jeremie Shelor is the head coach this year. Darren and Nick (our pastor) are assistant coaches. The first practice is TOMORROW (August 2nd) at 6 pm.
aww <3 i can't wait until my boys do sports. cohen and jax on same team? : ) i love ty in his uniform, such a cutie.