Lilah and Jaxon received a package, in the mail, for their birthday, from Gram. See the pictures below.
The package arrives. Tyson found it, but realized it wasn't for him. He was handling it fairly well. He knew it was their birthday.

A match box car for Jax.
Lilah seemed to be enjoying the envelopes a ton. :) Jax found a duckie! This photo makes me a tad sad to see Tyson sitting behind them observing what they got. It's tough being an older sibling to twins. You constantly feel like the third wheel I am sure.

This is something my mom does often... she re-gifts my sister Whitney's old toys. I love this because it has a ton of sentiment behind it. I appreciate it even more than they do. I believe these are figurines from different movies, such as "Pocahontas" and "The Lion King."
Thank you Gram for always considering your grandchildren. They speak of you often, even Lilah whom you've only been able to meet twice. It's amazing how much they just know who their grandparents are whether or not they are overly prevalent in their lives. In your case, it's just proximity and we know that. You're love is shown through your phone calls and packages.
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