What I'd give for a small tidbit of chaos right now. All three of my children are home sick. Not sure exactly with what, but Tyson is on day 2 of missing school. I am trusting in the Lord. Between their illnesses (being homebound) and the passing of our sweet doggy, this week has been trying to say the least. All of them are so solemn. In a sense, the calmness is so nice, but it's never easy seeing your babies suffer. WHO'D ever think I would miss the CRAZINESS (okay, maybe just briefly). Enjoy the photos below which were taken on a really, really, really, really hairy day in the Bolling home - - no not today. This was weeks ago. Today, my kids are lifeless, especially Ty.
Good thing I keep my children's noses clean, right? You can see all the way up Ty's nose.
Ahhhhhhh, those finger prints. They sure do stress me out.

I hope everyone is feeling better and I hope they made your birthday special since you were homebound. love you! happy birthday :):)