Thursday, February 1, 2024

Just Like A Creamy Nitro Brew Beer!!!

I have said it before and I will say it AGAIN... 

"I ONLY share what I love!'

Integrity is super important to me and if I didn't ONLY SHARE WHAT I LOVE, I would be posting all of the time in hopes that you would just shop my blog and be influenced to buy anything and everything so I could disingenuously make money off of you. NOPE! While that is what most influencers and sellers do, it is NOT what I do.  I want you to love what I share so much that you actually run to my socials to see 

"What else does she recommend!" 

Instead of, 

"Her last product review was crap. I am not listening to her anymore!" 

Soooo..... let's talk about the NEWEST LOVE that has be craving a beer over a margarita lately. WHAT?!?!?!?! It's called, "Fizzics".If you love BEER but only seemingly when you are OUT at a Restaurant or a Brewery, then this gift is not just a want, but a NEED. I promise. Don't Worry Be HOPPY because I have the solution for you. Turn ANY canned or bottled beer, at home or wherever (because it's a portable machine), into a BEER that is drool worthy beer with FIZZICS.
Fizzics turns your store bought beer into a creamy nitro-style pour that will blow any draft beer out of the water. 

It is beyond simple to use too. Open the Fizzics machine, put your favorite store bought beer inside, close your Fizzics machines and "pour".  Wala!
BE SURE your glass is a frozen one.  That makes it takes THAT MUCH MORE YUMMY! 

Shop here for yours. AND if you are interested in learning how this machine works, go visit the Fizzics website at You'll thank you later.

Is it after 5 o'clock anywhere? My mouth is salivating. LOL!

Signing off for now, Kristin Bolling! 

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