This week, the twins' school is acknowledging and celebrating "Read Across America" week. One way they are asking the kids to show how important it is to read is by have us, the parents, encourage our child(red) to take part in the school's reading celebration activities this week. This is also the perfect way to show school spirit.
Monday was "Read A Shirt" Day! All of the students were asked to wear a shirt with words on it. Jax was home sick, but Liley did participate. I failed to take a photo of her though. #MomFail
Tuesday (Today) is "Fox In Sox" Day! The students body is asked to wear their craziest and foxiest socks. On the fly, because I forgot, I made this socks for Liey. Just simply inserted a toilet paper roll into the socks (to keep the socks from being hot glued together) and then hot glued times that I had laying around my house: plastic spiders AND bulk candy! On the way out to the school bus, LIlah was compelling of a cough, chills, and headache. I just took her temperature and it is 100.8. Sigh... after all that work and ruining a pair of socks, she's staying home today. I had to share the socks with someone. LOL! So here...

Hope Lilah feels better. Love the socks.