We had another great Fall Festival at our church this year. The kids always look forward to it. We open this event up to the public, in hopes of being a light and with intentions of sharing the Gospel, and the turn out gets better and better each year. This is the second year in a row that it was held outdoors and it's so much better/fun than when we do it indoors, I think! The day of the festival, I still didn't have costumes. I wanted to do "It's raining cats and dogs" costume idea last year, but Lilah wasn't interested. This year, she actually said, on her own, that this is what she wanted to be. SADLY, I didn't do ANYTHING for this costume until several hours before the festival. It is SO not me... I am usually so prepared, but I was just interested in the kids dressing up this year. Last minute wound up being the way to go!!! It turned out adorable. I will do a separate post on this costume, but Liley was one of the contest winners!!!
I am in love with the way it turned out.
Gram was "Intsa--Gram" for the Fall Festival. This was also a very last minute thought. I was washing Lilah's hair, at 4:00 p.m., and thought of it. The Fall Festival was at 6:00 pm. Whoopsie. I sent the logo to DTS (Drafting Technical Supply), had them print and laminate it, tied a string around it and wa-la. I LOVED THIS!
Pinterest Queen - They call me the pinterest queen, so why not dress up as one?
Soda Fountain.
Cute Wolf.

Washing Machine.

Paper Doll!

A Waitress.

Ansley even had her own name tag.
A Millennial.
Pac Man Family.
Grease Lightening Chic.
Such a bunch of cutie pies!
A Strawberry.
Ninja Turtle Siblings.
A Monkey!
Pirate Family. Arg!
A Troll.
Our festival had a large amount of things to do. This is also the second year in a row that we did "Trunk or Treat". It's the latest and greatest way to safety trick or treat.
I was in charge of a basketball gamestation, so that is why I don't have many photos of the festival this year. Take five shots. For every shot you make, you get a piece of candy.
Tractor Rides.
Jax and Ty had football practice, so Jax just showed up with his football team later. They were all football players. Easy peasy.
These two ended up being one of the contest winners. YAY!!!!
There were all kinds of games! This game was the only photo I took a picture of.
Face Painting.
The life-sized dinosaur Brett made an appearance.
It was a great night! I am so glad Gram got to be a part of this night too. Thanks WSBC for a #tradition that we look forward to each year.
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