Our first FULL day in Myrtle Beach was today!

We spent the majority of the day on the actual beach!

Daddy did one of his FAVORITE usuals, caught fish with a net, and this fish was the largest one he could find. Monkey see, monkey do! They pretended to "almost" eat it.

There was lots of water time! I even got in the water. Lilah was in her glory.

We left the beach and headed to the pool. Then, I made the kids shower. They PASSED OUT after a warm shower and a light snack. Oh no! These kids NEVER take naps, so now what do we do?

Thirty minutes after taking the above photos, we were capturing their sweet faces below, right outside of our condo, BEFORE dinner.

We went to a new Italian restaurant near the melting pot. I thought it was delicious.

Then off to one of our kids favorite places....Broadway At The Beach. When we first arrived, Lilah convinced her daddy to join her in the photo booth. I thought it was so special. I snuck through the curtain and captured some of their poses.

Ty used his LIDS gift card, from his buddy Beckett, that he got at his graduation party and bought this cool Warriors hat. Thank you Janet and Beckett.

She was so, so, so excited to be sitting in that chair.

I am never super impressed with the outcome of a caricature.
I realize that it's not supposed to look EXACTLY like you, but...
Lilah was thrilled with the outcome. However, within minutes of leaving the artist's desk, Lilah exclaimed, "I am not a black person!" The funny thing is that moments before leaving the artist's desk, Darren leaned over to me and said, "She's not black!" Haha. Oh well... she's happy!

It was a great day! I am hoping to post our trip each day so that it's shorter and more enjoyable to read about. As usual... was I there? Aha! Yes! Yes I was there. I was the camera lady.
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