I have been searching for an excuse to purchase a few extra Vietnamese brooms for someone. If you have never tried one before, you MUST go buy one. It's simply the best broom ever. I came up with a short riddle/poem/message and gave my friends some of my favorite items: Fabuloso, KIND bars, and a Vietnamese brooms.
Here's how the riddle, rhyme, or poem went:
"Thank you for letting my hubby SWEEP me off my feet.You are FABULOSO and KIND!"There are a few days of heartache and frustration associated with these brooms, but once you get all of the loose dust OUT of the broom's bristles (by shaking it for a good 10 minutes) you will LOVE IT and you will NEVER go back to another broom again.

If there is someone that you would like to thank in a simple, but creative way, and you like this idea, I have created a blank printable JUST FOR YOU... right here. Enjoy!
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