This year, from the quantity of gifts, one would think that Lilah was given more than the boys. Truth be told, she definitely was given more in quantity, but I think Darren and I did a good job keeping our budget fairly even...give or take about $75. Girls are just easier or more fun to shop for. Below are all of Liley's unwrapped gifts.

One of Lilah's oddest, but most cherished gifts that she received his year was a salon mannequin with REAL people hair and a bucket of hair supplies.
We decided her name will be Kathy. It's been a REAL hit in our house. Lilah has spent countless hours playing with Kathy's hair AND it does't tangle like a fake barbie doll head does.
We always let the kids run downstairs to see the presentation/display of gifts. We allow them to open their stockings, but then we pause to read the story of Christmas before opening the other gifts. We want Jesus to be celebrated and known on Christmas Day since HE truly is the reason for the season.

Above: you can spot Lilah standing next to a FULL length mirror. WELL...this is NOT just any mirror. It comes with a lock and key. When you unlock it, it opens into a life sized jewelry box. She spent hours organizing her jewelry in it.

After opening gifts from mommy and daddy, the kids always head downstairs to see if Santa left them ANYTHING?!?!?! This year, Lilah received everything she asked Santa for: a new bike and helmet, a BIG, BIG eyes, and some shopkins.

I think it is safe to say...Lilah was impressed. OH AND BTW, see those pjs Lilah is wearing? Those are NOT the ones she went to bed in. She received those from Darren and I and HAD to change.

As Lilah went to test out her new bike, from Santa, Darren forgot that we had ONE last gift to give her and it was in his car. He presented Lilah with her SECOND American Girl Doll.
I didn't spend a ton of time taking pictures of the kids opening their gifts. I wanted to enjoy watching them instead, but I did capture several moments of them enjoying some of their gifts.

I bought this make-up kit at Ulta. Normally, $110 worth of make-up, but sold for $19. I also had a coupon for $3.50 off. So I actually paid close to $16 for it.
Oh my girl...I want you to be like a butterfly. Pretty to look at, but hard to catch! I am praying for her to be so different from the girls who desire attention in all the wrong places. Will you join me in this prayer?

She received two pairs of new kicks, but I did't capture the others. These are made by sketchers and they light up. Lilah has requested basketball shoes for a while now and I refused to get her anything that looked Tom boy-ish. I want her looking like a GIRL, since that's what God made her. These were the closest sneaks I could find that satisfied us both.

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