We had a fantastic Halloween NIGHT!!! We kept up with our traditions to go trick-or-treating with the Williams' family. Sadly, we did NOT go with the Crisafi girls this year (also a yearly tradition). We did add the Harris family to our evening though and it was exciting because it was their FIRST time going trick-or-treating. Unfortunately, my three kids RUN FULL SPEED and I mean FULL SPEED, when going from house to house, so it didn't allow us to stick together until we met back up at our home. We wound up going mostly with the Shannon and Campbell family because their kids were running from house to house too.
We always have to leave our candy at the door, so we have the honor system in place, hoping that most kids will just take one or two pieces. Darren prints a note every year to help stress our desires.
Lilah and Jax wanted to be comfortable while going from house to house, so they just pulled some costumes out of their costume boxes. They decided since they are twins they would go as Spideyman and Spideygirl. You will see, in future posts, that they did have other creative costumes for other Halloween events we attended. Spiderman and Spidergirl are NOT original, but they are a total classic.

We even had our grown-up friends dress up. Zach went as a nascar driver, Jody a referee, Brett a basketball player, and my hubby went as a "scratch and sniff" poopie!

Simon was a beanie baby!

Pre-trick-or-treating pics.

Cohen, as iron man, running with a football. LOL!

"Trick or Treat!"
There they are... trailing behind us.....haha. Good thing this isn't a race. Shhh! Don't tell my kids it isn't. It gets done quicker. Hehe.
We are always happy to have Gabe with us!!! This is the third year that he has joined us. I think this MAY BE their last year because they are getting too old, sniff, sniff.
We spotted the Fernandez family in our neighborhood. Kate was an octopus and Vivian was Mary Popins.
Even though you can't see Hank's face, you can tell he's smiling. He was a Hammerhead shark.

Sadie was also a beanie baby! A large beanie baby. LOL!

We finished the entire neighborhood and still caught back up to the Harris' who barely made it around the culd-e-sac. Haha.

Taking a break from their sprints, to snack on what they collected.
Their "rest" didn't last long. Up they go... back for more.

I loved this pumpkin that our neighbor, Michelle, carved!!! Way to support our Highlanders.
Just a few more pre-trick-or-treating pics. I just realized I didn't really take any of Ty prior to leaving. Booooooo! He was with Gabe and preoccupied, but he and Gabe went as Batman and Robin. You can tell that the Superhero costumes are definitely an all time favorite.

After we went trick-or-treating, we ordered pizza and enjoyed our evening with the Williams' family! To see MORE of our evening, double click on the Picasa web album below.
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