The 5th graders were NOT allowed to have Halloween Party, so their teachers suggested having a "Global Studies Breakfast". As long as we didn't call it a "party", I think anything would fly. As homeroom parent, I was responsible for coordinating the breakfast. I created a "sign-up-genius" and had parents volunteer for Halloween specific foods/items. I chose to sign-up for spooky music, decorations, and party favors. You will see the decorations I brought scattered throughout this post!
I got to the school at 6:45 am to set up. The fifth graders were excited. The breakfast started at 8:00 am sharp!

The first item I brought were these adorable mason jars filled with candy corns. These jars held the plasticware. Simple, festive, and cute.

The fifth graders lined up and began filling their plates with everything. What exactly was there to eat?
There were two drinks provided: water and punch. The punch was a "witches' brew" and it contained mock earthworms made by molding jell-o into straws. A classmates' mom, Kelly Saunders, made it. How clever!

Another mommy, Ashley Bell, made these adorable water bottles. She used glow-in-the-dark duct tape to create festive water bottles. I love her little touches.

Bat wings aka Bacon!

I think these donuts were one of my favorite. We called them "Goblin Eyeballs." Ms. Kristin Birdlebough made them.
"Mummy's sausage" or little sausages wrapped in crescent rolls made by Mrs. Michelle Fountain.

Monster Cupcakes or more "Goblin Eyeballs". Who made these?!?!?!
"Spider silk" aka string cheese sent in by Mrs. Phelps.

"Spooky egg casserole" made by Mrs. Clifford.

"Grave Yard Mush" or hash brown casserole made by Mrs. Fraticelli.
"Ghost bananas". Items were purchased by Mrs. Brown and sent in for both myself and Mrs. Bell to assemble. If you assemble them too soon the bananas turn brown.

Ms. Heltzel sent in "Honey Boo Boo" buns. Her special addition of serving them in a coffin box was awesome! I so wanted to keep that box, haha.
Mrs. Hylton stopped by Krispy Kreme and picked up some amazing Halloween donuts.

Mrs. Keen and Mrs. Harlow brought little applause cups. Mrs. Keen decorated hers to look like pumpkins.

AND ALL of this was designed for the 5th grade guests and teachers.

Mrs. Clifford (left), Principal Klimaitis (middle), and Mrs. Harlow (right)

It was mmm, mmm, "GOOD to the last bite!"
Although I had the task of coordinating this event, I must say, it could NOT have been as successful as it was without ALL of the parents who volunteered both their creativity and their time. Although I have never been a mommy to children in another school system, I can't imagine better parental involvement. Fort Lewis really does rock!
*I'd like to thank Mrs. Tonia Dillman, another parent, for considering the parent helpers and bringing in a nice box of hot coffee from Chick-Fil-A.
*I'd like to thank Mrs. Vangerven, Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Lancaster, Mr. & Mrs. Dillman, Mrs. Wilkinson, and Mrs. Fraticelli for helping to set up, serve, and clean up.
*I'd also like to thank Ms. Walters for the adorable food tent creations. It was fun to see the clever titles she came up with. My favorite: bat wings (for bacon) and wizard snot (for the water).
*I'd like to thank Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Snead, and Mrs. Wiley for adding to the party favor bags that I began. I will be sharing the party bags in another post!
*I'd like to thank Mrs. Willard, Mrs. Harris, and Mrs. Blount for providing all of the paper goods!
I hope I didn't forget anyone. By mentioning your name above, please know that was my way of saying THANK YOU! Again, thank you for volunteering in every way that you did. This breakfast was a success because YOU made it possible.
I did my best to capture EVERYTHING possible, so the parents that COULD NOT attend would be able to see what their children enjoyed. Feel free to double click BELOW, on the online Picasa photo album to see EVERY photograph captured.
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