Last night, Fort Lewis had "Engineering Night" @ 7:00 pm. We've NEVER been to Engineer night because Ty always has football. Last year, I was fixated on the twins being in bed by 7:30 pm, but THIS year, I was able to take Lilah on a special date, to Engineer night, while the boys went to practice. FIRST, you attend a 5 minute PTA meeting. THEN, the kids report to their normal classrooms.

Mrs. Thomsen and Ms. Early (the student teacher) were present to explain and assist us with any questions. Mrs. Thomsen went over the directions, she stated, "Create a fact family house!" Lilah and I had the task of using what she's been learning in math, "Fact Families", aka math equations (haha, that's what we called it when we were in school), to create a house. We had to create an address using a special #. THEN, using the art supplies provided, we were asked to build a house and place four fact families throughout the house that added up to the sum of our address. The fifth fact family had to be hidden. I know...sounds confusing right? I was so afraid I would have too many questions or not really get it. Hehe.
Lilah chose "7" to be her address. So her visible fact families were:
2+5=7, 5+2=7, 7-1=6, and 7-4=3
Below: Lilah is writing one of her fact families on her chimney made out of a toilet paper roll and pipe cleaners.
The roof had to contain the address, again it was 7. We wrote another fact family on the icicles made out of foam stickers.
Above: We made a door, a car, and a walk way. The walk way was created with plastic drinking straws. Below: Check out our adorable Lorax tree we made out of cardstock and green foam stickers.
Home is where your [heart] is!
The hidden fact family was on the purple carpet inside of the house.
I cannot explain how excited this little girl was. Several things to note about the before and afters about this event. 1. Before we left, I said, "I'm just going to keep my workout clothes on. Do you have any problem with that?" I was seriously kidding, but she actually replied saying, "Actually, do you mind changing? I don't like when we go out in public and you are in workout clothes?" HA! Have no fear... I didn't change. On the way out of the school building, she said, "Mom, thank you sooooooooooo much for coming with me. This was so much fun!!!!" That tickled my heart and seeing her gorgeous smile below really reassured me that despite another night of late night dinner (8:45 pm), it was well worth it. You cannot put a price tag on memories.

She was a little PROUD of our house. When we got to the van, she said, "I'm not trying brag, but I think our house was seriously the best house!!!" I reminded her that we should always be encouraging to others and it's okay to be excited about our house, but it's never kind to speak our enthusiasm into a room full of people because that sounds very boastful!!! I think she was just genuinely living in the moment of pure bliss as she ended her night with some alone time with mom.
PS. Lilah received 3 homework passes for coming. ONE for October, ONE for November, ONE for December.
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