Thursday, June 4, 2015

Five "Guys" Thanks You!

Thanking those who care for you children, all throughout the year, is so important.  Teachers have a tough job and sadly, it's probably more often than not, that their primary role is interrupted by disrespectful, disobedient, and disruptive behavior.  I love showering my children's teachers so much that I have a "label" on the right hand side of my blog that is titled, "Apples For Teachers". Be sure to check it out.  

One of the hardest parts, for me, about giving to these servants is that I hate duplicating gift ideas.  Coming up with original gifts can sometimes be tricky.  On Tuesday, I realized, I had several other gifts to purchase for people we love at Fort Lewis Elementary School: the custodial staff and the bus driver. As I drove around town, I looked at all the venues to see if anything would spark my interest or creative juices.  As soon as I headed towards our local "FIVE GUYS ~ Burgers and Fries", the light bulb went off.  "Oh my gosh, I've got it! We have five people in our family.  Using the word "Five", in the restaurant Five Guys, will help create a clever gift for those who serve our family of 5!" 

I ran in, grabbed (3) $15 gift cards, and asked if it would be okay to snag (3) cups and (3) brown paper bags.  When I got home, I stuffed the bottom of the brown bags with peanuts, that I had left over from Ty's 10th birthday party. 
Inside the large plastic cups, I inserted a Five Guy's menu, more peanuts, and a gift card.
Every fountain drink requires a straw, right?  Bingo! I grabbed those, too, at the condiment table.  
If you decide to copy this idea, you will have to cut the straw literally in half, in order for the straw to fit because the peanuts get in the way!
Place the cup onto the peanuts that remain at the bottom of the brown paper bag!
Here's where the creativity fits in... I uploaded the Five Guys logo and change/added some things to reflect our family.

So cute right?
Then...I hot glued real peanuts to the bag.
I was so thrilled with the way this gift turned out.  I told Darren, "I didn't even check pinterest, after deciding and creating this idea, until AFTER I finished packaging the gift card up first. I was so worried that this cute idea, which I thought I created, would already be on pinterest."  Haha. I did finally check pinterest and I didn't see ANY gift ideas for Five Guys Burgers! Yay!!!!!!!! 

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