First up, "The 5 Things I Love About Miss Dixon!" Everyone knows that handmade gifts are usually the best! They are filled with so much personal time. Jax and Lilah traced their hands, 5 times, on Roy G. Biv paper. The cutting out their handprints, they began thinking about what they loved the most about Miss Dixon.
You can see Lilah trying to share some of her thoughts below, but I asked the twins to keep their thoughts to themselves because I didn't want their answers to be the same.
I divided the twins into two different rooms and told them to write, on their cut out handprints, the 5 top things they love about their teacher.
You can see, by the serious looks, that they were carefully considering what the were writing on each hand.
Here are the 5 things Lilah loves about Miss Dixon: 1. Her "hair"
2. Her "Frecolz" aka Freckles.
3. Her "Jolrrey" aka Jewelry.
4. Her "Smile"
5. Lilah says, "I love you!"
Jax's top 5 things he loves about Miss Dixon: 1. She's "kind".
2. He likes her "Laf" aka Laugh
3. "I love you!"
4. You're "Fune" or Funny
5. You have a "Nice Smile"
Next up, GIFT CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!! Normally, I prefer to do MY OWN gifts for the teachers, but the parental involvement this year has been amazing and I knew Miss Dixon would receive a much bigger gift if everyone chipped in. I sent an email to the parents and most all parents chipped in enough money to grant Miss Dixon a plant and (4) $25 gift cards to various stores: Amazon, Michael's Craft Store, Bed, Bath, & Beyond, and Bath&Body Works.
We had enough money left over to purchase Miss Dixon's assistant a $25 gift card to Lowes.
We filled out a sweet card for BOTH Miss Dixon and the teacher's assistant.
I found these adorable gift card holders, at the Dollar Tree, and just included it with the gift for Miss Dixon, along with her favorite candy bar...Almond Joy!
We utilized this adorable photo, that I took of Miss Dixon's students' hands, and gave it out as an additional gift to Miss Dixon, Ms. Roberts, and Mrs. Klimaitis (the principal).
Miss Dixon received the artwork in an "autograph" frame. Each of her students autographed it! Dollar Tree baybeeee!

Ms. Roberts just got a regular 5x7 frame! As did Mrs. K.
Ms. Robin, the bus driver, also received a small gift bag of goodies.
Of course you cannot forget the principal during teacher appreciation week, right?
And finally, the MOST IMPORTANT person at the school... The secretary: Mrs. Dixon. Sh just happens to be Miss Dixon's mom!
I loved the little printable I found off of pinterest!!!! It really is so true!
We bought the secretary an owl, car, visor clip from Bath and Body Works! Along with an air freshener insert.
White Reese's
A gift card to Chipolte too!
All of the above gifts were stuffed inside this adorable coffee mug that read, "Give Thanks!" ~Ephesians 5:20. We do give thanks for ALL of the teachers at Ft. Lewis Elementary School.
Ty's teacher, Mrs. Rottkamp, received the same plant and a gift card to Amazon. We bought her favorite candy bar as well, dark chocolate anything, and the same gift card holder!
Mrs. Rottkamp is really a special teacher as well! You can tell she really loves her job and her students. Ty has really valued and cherished having her this year.
Finally, I signed up to bring the teachers a fruit tray and homemade cupcakes!
Roy G. Biv fruit and heart-shaped strawberries!
I was REALLLLY excited to make these cupcakes for the teachers because I wanted to use the swirled icing technique, using BOTH of the schools colors: blue and yellow. The lion is the school's mascot, so I made a sweet printable, with the lion on it, to be inserted into the cupcakes.
The cupcakes were vanilla cake, buttercream swirled icing, and they were filled with my special french vanilla fill!
Fort Lewis PRIDE!
I know the cupcake photos are over kill, but I was really proud/excited about how they turned out!
We received thank you cards for EVERYTHING, but the thank you card I am sharing below is for the parents of "Class Dixon" who chipped in for Miss Roberts gift. I want them to be able to see how thankful she was!
If you are looking for other teacher gift ideas, please utilize my "labels", on our blog's homepage, titled "Apples For Teachers!"
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