Here are a few examples of the prizes that I purchased, but to see ALL 22, you will have to view the online photo album at the bottom of this post.
I bagged up each gift in either a white or brown lunch bag. How would I make the dispersement of gifts fair? 

It quickly came to me. I found some colorful, Easter egg, clipart on google images. I needed at least 22 different patterned eggs because that's how many prizes/bags I had. I printed two copies. One copy for the bags AND...
ONE copy for each student!
I stapled a different patterned egg to each bag and the extra set of clipart eggs would be passed out to the students.
I randomly dispersed clipart eggs to each student. Then, one by one, I held up a prize bag. Remember, each prize bag had an egg stapled to it. Whoever's egg matched the prize bag, in my hand, WON that particular prize. Once each student had a bag, on the count of 3, everyone was allowed to open their prize/gift and THEN... the students could trade prizes/gifts if they so desired. I kept the rules up to the kids because I was concerned that if a child was actually content with their original gift and we stuck to the official rules of "dirty santa" or "white elephant", we'd have many upset 5/6 year olds. Many children traded, but many children were very happy with their original gift.
To see the prizes/gifts, double click on the Picasa Web photo album below!!! If you are viewing this post from your cell phone or tablet, you may NOT be able to view the album. You need a land line. The entire class LOVED this. They were all so excited and so happy to get a prize!! No one was left out. The only area I failed...was at taking pictures. There was a lot going on and the party was quickly coming to a close, so I just simply forgot. :(
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