Monday, October 22, 2012

Friend #3 Comes to Dance with Lilah

Last week, Lilah brought Kate to ballet.  These two seemed very excited to be in each other's presence. It made me realize that Lilah really needs a play date with Kate soon!  Take note Lisa.  My house OR yours, doesn't matter to me.  I think the teacher got a little frustrated with them because their concentration level wasn't very high.  Haha.  Oh well!  This is the last week that Lilah can bring a friend, but I think I am going to have her arrive empty handed.  The dancers are supposed to wear their Halloween costumes and I think it will be too much to get Lilah dressed up and worry about bringing a friend.  

Thanks Miss Mona's Dance studio for allowing us this fun opportunity.  It gained them ONE new student from us!


  1. Ahhh I am so glad you got these pictures of them! They really do love each other and get crazy when together! I pray that we can use these pictures when they're grown to show them how God is faithful to provide sweet childhood friends. Thanks again for taking her, she loved it!


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