This was a very intense game and by the photos, of the coaches, I think you will agree. I believe we were loosing by 2 touch downs and in the last 4 minutes of the game, we were able to not only catch up to the other team, but also WIN THE GAME! Go bulldogs. Don't quote me on all of the logistics. I'm just a mom... not a coach. I do the best I can to follow along, but I did have (2) 3 1/2 year olds to keep watch over :)
I'm sorry for all of the photos. SOMEONE - - ahem - - Ashely Harris got a little camera happy. After she left, I snapped a few IMPORTANT shots :)
yay for my camera happiness. i bet you had 100+ shots to upload. i LOVE love the first pic of ty, the one of the back of his jersey, and the father/son shot, all frame worthy :)