On July 2nd, Saleece turned 3. We were invited to celebrate with her at the Children’s Marble Museum in downtown Raleigh. We have been there before and were looking for an excuse to go back. It’s a really incredible museum. The museum has two massive, massive, massive, floors filled with ALL KINDS of exhibits and explore type fun for children. Saleece had a princess themed party! She shared cake and ice cream with all of her friends and then each family was able to explore the museum at their leisure. children learn best through play and discovery. The exhibits and programs are designed to build imagination through self-led exploration of new ideas and experiences. I didn't snap photos of EVERYTHING the museum had to offer. It was too busy and way to hectic trying to keep up with my three kids, who always desired to go in different directions :)
Saleece is such a sweet girl! Her and Lilah are like two little peas in a pod. We are thankful that God added her to our lives. We love you “Leecie”. Happy 3rd Birthday!!!
What a fun birthday party! Those girls are so beautiful! (Reminds me sooo much of Lilahy!)