From Dawn Smith

Dawn is just one of those friends who will ALWAYS make you laugh and smile inside. She is so loving and absolutely hilarious. We have been trying to get together for lunch for quite some time now, but she claims she won't have lunch with me until I am willing to share a dessert with her. This card was more than appropriate.
And the feetie pajamas is where her comedy comes into place. They even have a "poop shoot" in the back. These are amazingly comfy and WARM. Thank you DAWN!
From Jody Williams:
My Jodster is accessorizing me up!!!! If you are not good at accessorizing, this is the girl for you! She bought me two pair of earrings and a gorgeous matching necklace. I cannot wait to wear them!!! Maybe for our girls night out on February 21st. The only sad part is I've already LOST one of the earrings :( Thank you Jody!
From Ashely Harris:

Ashely is amazing at picking out clever, unique, and thoughtful gifts. I always get something personalized and I love it. The day she gives me something non-personalized is the day I will question if she loves me anymore :)

Ashely is amazing at picking out clever, unique, and thoughtful gifts. I always get something personalized and I love it. The day she gives me something non-personalized is the day I will question if she loves me anymore :)
This gift was a personalized binder for all of your favorite recipes.

She made me a recipe card filled in with the "recipe for friendship". Thank You Ashely!
From Shannon Maggi:
It was a lovely surprise to open my mailbox and find a personal delivery from Shannon. As adults, we always dread a trip to the mailbox because it normally involves BILLS.
Shannon is really becoming quite crafty lately.

Inside the card were two coupons: 1. For a one night on the town with Darren, Kids Free, Free Childcare, and 2. One morning of free babysitting. This gift will be a HUGE blessing to Darren and I as we NEVER get free childcare. I told Shannon I am just not sure I will take her up on this though. Thank You Shannon!
It wasn't planned this way, but I treated myself to a manicure for my birthday. To my surprise, Lisa pulled up, ran into the nail salon, and paid for my nails. She made me feel like a princess for a day!!!!!! Lisa, look out for my van there next week. If you're interested, join me!!! Thank You Lisa!
Erin is so good at picking out gifts with thought too! She snatched up a few of my favorite items and attached a sweet little "riddle" to each of them. The first one... mint gum.

The second one, my favorite cleaning product called "Fabuloso." Erin, you really are one clever chick. I think you are a fabuloso friend!!!! Thank You Erin!
Things I did NOT take pictures of:
Things I did NOT take pictures of:
Kaitlyn Belcher: Half Price Child Care. THANK YOU!!!! THIS IS THE BEST GIFT EVER. I wish I only had to pay $5 per hour all the time, but you are well worth $10 per hour.
Dana Reed: A special lunch date with you.... FREE!!!!!! It was nice to eat lunch without the guilt of having to pay for it.
Thanks to EVERYONE who called and texted me. All of these things made me feel so special. I will never forget this birthday ever!
PS. I really hope I didn't forget anyone. If so, call me out on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are VERY loved and your birthday is just an excuse for us to show you :):):) LOVE YOU!