ONLY 13 days LEFT until my favorite HOLIDAY arrives.... Valentine's Day! I love the colors schemes, the chocolate, candles, AND the extra hugs and smooches from my kids/hubby certainly are the best part. I know it's early, but yesterday I delivered gifts to my "Sensational 6". I wanted this gift to be used the ENTIRE month of February. It was delivered promptly on February 1st. YAY! The gift theme is titled, "LOVE NOTES". The idea behind this gift is to provide my girls with all kinds of goodies to entice them to leave little love notes to their family members expressing their love, apologies, and appreciation. This has been really fun to do in our home. Tyson is great at writing notes, so I am getting them often. I was the first to leave a note to my family members. I like finding surprising spots to leave them. I left Darren a note on his car dashboard that read, "Thank you so much for emptying the dishwasher and taking out the trash EVERY morning! It helps my day tremendously." Have you expressed love to your hubby or kids lately? I hope this is an encouragement to do so. If you LOVE what you see, contact me and I can send you some jpeg files or tell you where I bought everything!
To view the entire GIFT click on the album below!
i love love love these :) i have already written z a note and stuck in his lunch and placed 2 throughout the house!!! thank you for this!!!! i love you! <3