The phrase "gospel-centered" is an easy label to tag on a book these days just to sell a few extra copies. Long Story Short, however, is the last book that could be accused of such a move.
This book, from beginning to end, is about Jesus in the Old Testament. The layout is attractive and the structure is simple. As mothers and fathers, our time is very limited but it's pertinent that we are the primary people who are teaching our children the gospel, versus depending solely on the church! That's what's so attractive about this book. Each page contains a ten-minute devotional that helps draw your family to God. Ten minutes is totally doable. Right? Don't get me wrong... that's NOT the only time we are making the gospel known in our home, but these 10 minute devotionals are informative, Christ-centered, and just enough information to keep your little one's attention.
Every devotional presents an Old Testament passage. You and your children "study" it and then connect it to Jesus. As the author himself says, " Long Story Short connects each story to God's larger redemptive plan. Every lesson answers the question, 'Where is Jesus in this lesson?'"
This book, from beginning to end, is about Jesus in the Old Testament. The layout is attractive and the structure is simple. As mothers and fathers, our time is very limited but it's pertinent that we are the primary people who are teaching our children the gospel, versus depending solely on the church! That's what's so attractive about this book. Each page contains a ten-minute devotional that helps draw your family to God. Ten minutes is totally doable. Right? Don't get me wrong... that's NOT the only time we are making the gospel known in our home, but these 10 minute devotionals are informative, Christ-centered, and just enough information to keep your little one's attention.
Every devotional presents an Old Testament passage. You and your children "study" it and then connect it to Jesus. As the author himself says, " Long Story Short connects each story to God's larger redemptive plan. Every lesson answers the question, 'Where is Jesus in this lesson?'"
Sadly to say, after clearing up the Christmas clutter and organizing all of our gifts, I placed this one on the bookshelf and didn't pick it up until this summer. It was probably a good thing because Lilah and Jaxon would have been way too little to sit still for even ten minutes back then. Now they have a 10 minute attention span. So I picked up the book this summer and have begun the lessons with my kiddos.
I think you will LOVE this book. Check it out on amazon and read some of the reviews. It received 5 stars.
You could also watch this youtube video on how this book came about from the author Marty Machowski. He speaks about how overwhelming it is to teach your children the gospel. The bible is so big. "Where do we begin?"
thank you for posting this. i am so overwhelmed about where to even start!!! i basically picked up the bible and starting reading. i go all over and feel so "unorganized" in teaching this. off i go to lifeway to get the veggietales cd and this. :)