Tuesday, September 2, 2014

End Of The Summer, Over Night Trip To Busch Gardens

We made a ROYAL deal with the kids this Summer... "If daddy and I go to the beach alone, we will take you guys to Busch Gardens before school starts!" They replied, "YEAH!!!!!!" Haha. Simple and perfect plan.  We finally took them two weeks ago, right before school began.  The pictures aren't that exciting, lol, but here they are!
The bumper cars are one of their favorite rides at Busch Gardens.
Playing on the railroad tracks.  
This adorable, only been worn ONE TIME, outfit is officially ruined.
One unique thing about this trip is that Tyson was officially over 48" tall, so he was able to ride EVERYTHING minus ONE roller coaster.  Ty braved every single one that he was allowed to ride.  He even convinced daddy to ride the Griffon, which Darren was a tad hesitant to ride at first.  They did wind up riding it twice though.  
Do you see Darren and Ty?
A special thank you goes out to Chris, with Triad, for blessing our family with a free night's stay at a local Williamsburg Hotel and free tickets into Busch Gardens. Darren's steel business purchases steel from them aka gives them a lot of work and they chose to thank Darren by blessing our family with a free getaway.

After Busch Gardens, we went to Short Pump to do a little bit of shopping and enjoy a yummy dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.  This extra stop, made our traveling back a late night road trip. We sang some of our favorite tunes to occupy the time.

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