Sunday, April 13, 2014

17 Disney World Odds, Ends, & Must Haves...

Today, I’d love to share with you, some odds, ends, and must haves for both the theme parks and resort at Disney World. I am taking all of these items to Disney with us. They are very random items, but each item has a definite and great purpose. 

Here they are…
Brita Water Bottles - Amazon
Florida water has been known to "taste funny". We have a meal plan that includes three meals a day, as well as, two snacks a day, but a water bottle counts as ONE of our snacks.  I refuse to use one of our snack credits on a bottle of water, so I purchased these filtered water bottles.  We can fill them up with ice and water, for free, ALL DAY LONG!
Cooler Bag - T.J. Maxx
This adorable Minnie Mouse cooler bag will keep our water bottles cold.
Extra Large Zipblock Bags - Dollar $ Tree
These will be used for wet and dirty clothing. OR for the extra outfits I plan to bring with us to the parks each day.
Gum - Kroger
In an effort to keep the grounds of Disney and all other theme parks clean, gum is NOT sold at any of the parks.  I am coming prepared with our own gum.  You can chew it there, you just can't buy it there. 
Hand Soap - Wal-mart
Just incase housekeeping does NOT visit us daily, I purchased enough hand soap for our entire week's stay.
Hand Sanitizer
Hats and Sunscreen - Shoes Department & Wal-Mart
It's pretty much common sense, but hats and sunscreen are a MUST, in the hot, sunshine state, Florida.
Medicine Holder - Dollar $ Tree
I am fully prepared for an upset stomach, headache, acid indigestion, a bladder infection, and/or diarrhea.  We are already praying, in advance, for NON of that to happen, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Mickey Mouse Band-Aids - Wal-mart
There's no better way to cover up a boo-boo, at Disney, than with Mickey band-aids.
Minnie Mouse I-Phone Case/Wristlet - JC Penney
This was a royal steal that I couldn't pass up. Originally $19.99, on sale for $4.97, at JcPenney.  My iPhone will now be traveling Disney style too. This case will come in handy when I want to bring it with me to the restroom or on a ride. It's not officially waterproof, but it will protect it from the rides that splash.
Phone Chargers - Ebay
Phone chargers that charge your phone in your pocket or pocket book.  We will need these for sure.  Our cell phone battery life is AWFUL.  Being we use our phones to talk, photos, videos, etc... we need these for a 12 hour park day!
Ponchos - Dollar $ Tree
Stroller and people ponchos for those Florida rain showers.  
Pop-Up Hampers - Dollar $ Tree
I'm not a slob at home, in Salem, and I don't plan to be one on vacation. These compact hampers will come in REALLLLLY handy since we won't be doing laundry for 6 days.
Stroller Hook - Toys R Us
"The Mommy Hook" for our stroller.  This is great for those shopping bags and/or pocket book/book bags.  Yes, WE ARE RENTING a stroller.  A neighbor of mine just got back from Disney.  She said her pedometer recorded a 45 mile walk status in the 7 days she stayed there.  AND I was worried about NOT working out while down there? HA!
 Tissues - Dollar $ Tree
Blowing our noses in style.
Walkie-Talkies - Toys R Us
Just incase our battery dies on our cell phones, we have a back up plan for communicating, if we go our separate ways. OR to reserve battery life, we can use these in place of our cell phones.  So 80's, but we had them, so why not bring them.
Wipes - Dollar $ Tree
Wiping those dirty hands and mouths Disney style. I also have plenty of hand sanitizer.
My internet was soooooooooooooooo slow when doing this post, so I am not investing anymore time into this post (ie. posting an album and/or captions).  Let me know if you have any questions though. I'd be happy to answer them.

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